Art+theBrain Exhibition
Art Department Gallery
Stony Brook University
March 2020
The Brain as Muse - Students worked across media to explore topics of perception, memory, migraines, sleep-dreams, depression, and self.
Caroline Amond, Carissa Andreas, Yulong Hu, Yeonggyeong No, Katey-Rose Redhead, Paula Shultz, Trey Shimizu, Jordan Villar, Xiaohui Wang, and Sara Marie.
Together with the artworks of Art+theBrain students, graduate students in the Department of Neurobiology & Behavior exhibited their research imagery: Allen Chen, Sheed Itaman, Rachel Kery, Jacqueline Martin, Amalia Napoli, MohanIall Narine, Ricardo Raudales, Hilary Schiff, Olivia Swanson, Maxwell Shih, Priscilla Yevoo, Maurice Kernan (faculty)
Photo credits: Xiaohui Wang
Art+theBrain is a studio art course designed to explore interactions and reflections between the science of the brain (neuropsychology and neuroscience) and fine art. Students investigate topics that bridge these disciplines such as memory, perception, neurodiversity and identity. Emphasis is placed on challenging students to develop a personal vision to individual creative expression. Themes in the course are reinforced by guests from the neuroscience and arts communities as well as readings, media presentations and fieldwork. (Students may work in any media). Thank you to all the very talented and adventurous students of F2019 : Caroline Amond, Carissa Andreas, Chris Buckheit, Matthew Carnival, Yueyang Cheng, Stephanie Guzman, Yulong Hu, Yeonggyeong, Stephen Pritchard, Katey-Rose Redhead, Paula Scultz, Vicki Shao, Trey Shimizu, Kira Tang, Jordan Villar, Xiaochui Wang, Sara Marie Wilkerson, Sam Wuestman, Sijia Xie, Amanda Zeng.
Art+theBrain Syllabus